For more than a year, the Covid-19 pandemic demands enormous strength from medical personnel around the world, so “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” (Future Supporting Fund) would like to thank those Latvian medical workers who daily look after Covid-19 patients, and to provide them an opportunity to travel to the music world with internationally recognised opera stars.
Please note that from 4 October fees for stock trading on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong will be changed.
The Q2 2021 financial statement of Rietumu Bank and Rietumu Group has been published.
Jelena Buraja has been appointed the Chairman of the Board of JSC Rietumu Bank, having previously served as the Member of the Board of Rietumu.
Member of the Board of Rietumu Bank Jelena Buraja is included in the most successful Latvian businesswomen TOP 100 by Forbes magazine.
“Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” (NAF), founded by Rietumu Bank, provided financial support to a Christian summer camp for children and youth with special needs “Gaismas talanti 2021”.