
The Russian Silver Age – in the Museum of Foreign Art, Riga Stock Exchange

The exhibition Silver Age. Russian Art Works from Museum Collections of the Baltic Region. 1890-1930, has been opened in the Museum of Foreign Art, Riga Stock Exchange. It exhibits about two hundred works of outstanding Russian artists, graphic artists and sculptors from museums of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

9 November 2012, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

On tariff changes

8 November 2012, 12:00 Rates & Fees

Offshore as a Latvian development path: bold imagination or near future?

In a couple of months changes in Latvian legislation, providing the most favorable regime for international holdings will become effective. Amid positive expectations, pessimistic views of a number of “experts” arise on perspectives of transformation of Latvia in the “new Cyprus” and on stability of new tax policy. One other thing is true: Latvia will have a chance of attracting thousands of investors – the way Cyprus, Malta, Luxembourg and other European neighbors have already done.

5 November 2012, 12:00 Products & Services