Last Saturday, “ Rietumu Bank Latvian FIM Speedway Grand Prix” was held in Daugavpils. The general sponsor of the contest is the Rietumu Bank, the largest speedway competition sponsor in Latvia.
The general sponsor of the event is the Rietumu Bank.
The festival was held during two days and received full attendance. Its main platform was the Dzintari Concert Hall, which has recently undergone a large-scale renovation. The festival was supported by the largest private bank in Latvia Rietumu.
Rietumu has become the first bank in the Baltic States to offer its customers control over their accounts from a new class wearable tech device .
"EGO" personal art exhibition by artist Ance Gricmane opened in Rietumu Bank gallery.
Rietumu Bank has launched a new online banking application iRietumu for devices operating on Android platform, both for mobile phones and tablets. Thus, the remote round the clock full-fledged banking is now available for devices of popular operating systems — iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile users can use Mobile Digipass.