Best Medical Nurses of Latvia Have Been Solemnly Awarded

10 January 2014, 12:00

Yesterday a reception took place in the residence of the President of Latvia – the House of the Blackheads, where 30 of the best medical nurses of Latvia, who became winners of the competition “Our Search for the Best Nurse”, were solemnly awarded. The competition is traditionally organised by the Rietumu Charity Fund.

The nurses were congratulated by the President of Latvia Andris Berzins and the patroness of the event – his spouse Dace Seisuma. The President expressed gratitude to the nurses for their work and thanked the competition organisers.

Ms Seisuma, being a doctor herself, also expressed sincere gratitude to the nurses for their devotion to their duties.

The nurses were solemnly awarded certificates of merit and testimonials from the Rietumu Charity Fund in an amount exceeding EUR 700 (after taxes).

In turn, Chairperson of the Rietumu Charity Fund Inga Shina said when addressing the competition winners, “To be a good nurse, one not only needs to have professional skills, but also to put one’s heart and soul into the work. Our Fund has always tried to assist where especially required, as well as has tried to attract the attention of the community to these problems. I am glad that over the past years we have managed to do it with regard to the nurse’s profession, the importance of which for society must not remain unnoticed. I would also like to note that following the tragic events at the end of last year we chose another priority area for ourselves – the support of rescuers and firemen.”

The competition “Our Search for the Best Nurse” has been held by the Rietumu Charity Fund since 2008. Winners of the competition are determined by voting held among patients and visitors of children’s hospitals and departments in different regions of Latvia.

The current competition took place from 12 September to 12 December last year in 22 hospitals in different regions of Latvia. In total, 7500 references were received in the course of voting on the work of medical nurses for children.

The Rietumu Charity Fund has been operating since 2007. Its core operational activities are the support of medicine and healthcare, primarily for children, the provision of help to the socially least protected segments of the population in the entire territory of Latvia and the patronage and support of significant projects in art, science and education.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
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